District Health Directorate

Gifty Sunu
- District Health Director
The Akyemansa District has the District Health Committee as its advisory board and the District Health Management Team (DHMT) as the technical planning body of health activities in the district. The DHMT is headed by the District Director of Health Services (DDHS). The District Health Administration (DHA) provides supervision and management support to the sub-districts.
There are seven Health Administrative Sub-districts health facilities in the district in including Ofoase, Brenase, Akokoaso, Ayirebi, Abenase Anyinase and Etwereso sub-districts respectively.
Mission of Ghana Health Service
To provide and prudently manage comprehensive and accessible health service with special emphasis on primary health care in accordance with approved national policies
Vision of Ghana Health Service
The Vision Statement of the Akyemansa District Health Administration is to ensure Healthy population with universal access to quality service
Health Facilities
- The Akyemansa District has no District Hospital yet.
- There are 6 Health Centres, 1 CHAG health centre, 21 CHPS Compounds, and 1 Private Maternity Home making a total of 29 health facilities.
- Non functional Demarcated CHPS zones
Functional Units of the District Health Administration
- Disease Control Unit
- Reproductive and Child Health Unit
- Nutrition Unit
- Health Information Unit
- Health Promotion Unit
- Accounts Unit
- Human Resource Unit
- Stores and supplies Unit
Bottom up Functional Structures of the Health Systems in the District
- Community health volunteers who assist Community Health Officers, form the basis for data collection for surveillance
- Community health committees who serve as liaison between Community Health Officers and the community
- Community Health Officers who are in-charge of the various CHPS zones and supervise the activities of volunteers and Community Health Committees
- Sub-district leaders who supervise all health activities in the sub-district including Community Health Officers
- Sub-district Parents who provide technical support to the sub-districts
- Programme coordinators at the DHA who play leading roles in specific programme areas
- The district director of health services supervises all these activities with support of the various unit heads
Key Health Activities:
At the sub-district level, both preventive and curative services are provided by the health centres, as well as outreach services to the communities within their catchment areas. Basic preventive and curative services for minor ailments are being addressed at the community and household level with the introduction of the Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS).
Public Health Programmes:
The health administration undertake the following activities to the 120, 301 population as follows:
- Reproductive and Child Health Activities
The components of the reproductive health programme are as follows:
- Safe motherhood, including antenatal, supervised delivery, and postnatal care, especially breastfeeding, infant health, and women’s health
- Family planning
- Prevention and treatment of unsafe abortions and post abortion care
- Prevention and treatment of reproductive tract infections, including sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS
- Prevention and treatment of infertility
- Management of cancer, including prevention and management of cervical cancers
- Responding to concerns about menopause
- Discouragement of harmful traditional practices that affect the reproductive health of men and women, such as female genital mutilation
- Information and counseling on human sexuality, responsible sexual behavior, responsible parenthood, preconception care, and sexual health.
The child health programme constitutes all child health activities aimed at promoting and maintaining the optimal growth and development of children age 0-18 years. The components of the child health programme include the following:
- Neonatal health care - Antenatal care services - Postnatal care services
- Child welfare services - Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and timely introduction of complementary feeding
- Disease Surveillance and Control
- Active case search for communicable diseases
- Control and prevention of Neglected tropical diseases (leprosy, buruli ulcers, yaws, schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis etc.)
- Monitoring and supervision of disease control activities
- Outbreak investigations
- Growth promotion and nutrition rehabilitation activities
- Immunization
- Vitamin A Supplementation
- Community Management of Acute Malnutrition
- Infant and Young Child Feeding program
- School health services
- Screening and examination of school children and food vendors
- Immunization
- Health education on current public health issues
- Management of minor ailments and injuries
- Maintenance of a hygienic school environment
- Referrals
- Clinical Care
- Curative care for minor ailments and injuries
- Referrals
- Adolescent Health Activities
- Identification and management of common health problems affecting adolescents
- Provision of services focused on adolescents, including counseling; information, education, and communication (IEC); and reproductive health issues in general.
- Common health challenges
Diseases such as yaws, leprosy, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, typhoid fever and diarrhea diseases are common in the district.